5 Social Media Tips for Starting 2022

5 Social Media Tips for Starting 2022

Social media marketing is a powerful tool in the social media marketer's arsenal. It offers an inexpensive, easy-to-use way to generate brand awareness and drive traffic to your website. But social media changes constantly, so it can be hard for social media marketers to keep up with the latest tips and tricks. That's why we've compiled our list of 5 social media marketing tips for 2022!

1. Use your social media to generate immediate sales.

One of the main benefits of social media marketing is that it allows you to generate brand awareness for your business. And thanks to social media's widespread reach, you can easily generate exposure for your brand far and wide. It is of my belief that we should continue to explore new territory on social media and see if it furthers the brand's digital footprint. Once you develop a following you can make immediate impact on sales by having an audience at your fingertips. Never underestimate some last minute promotional posts!

2. Use social media to drive traffic to your website.

Another great benefit of social media marketing is that it can help you drive traffic to your website. By sharing links to your website on social media, you can attract visitors who may not have otherwise known about your business. Don't forget to share links! I see posts all the time from boutiques that are great and they will push for in store traffic, but why not post the link to buy online too? We are in the days of Covid and a lot of customers have switched to online only! 

Pssst! Need a website?

3. Experiment with different social media platforms.

Like I said earlier, exploring on other social channels can be impactful but remember, not all social media platforms are created equal. Each platform has its own unique set of users. We've recently been using TikTok for anything from absurd games to promotional content and we've actually been getting over a couple thousand views on each one. Once the following builds up enough, we can implement point #1 to leverage sales.

4. Stay active on Facebook and instagram - the 'Metaverse' May Take Over

There are a number of reasons why you should stay active on Facebook even as social media moves more and more towards the "metaverse" – a virtual space where users can socialize, interact, and browse. Here are a few key reasons:

     a. Facebook is still one of the most popular social media platforms.

According to recent statistics, Facebook is still one of the most popular social media platforms in the world. In fact, it currently has over 2 billion active users. So if you're looking to reach a large audience, Facebook is still a great platform to use.

     b. Facebook offers great advertising potential.

Facebook also offers great advertising potential. With its changes coming in the next few years with Meta, you can be sure more advertising options will open up - ads in virtual reality could be pretty cool!

5. Stay short, sweet and relevant.

When posting on Instagram, be sure to keep your posts short and sweet. People generally don't have time to read long captions, so try to stick to a few sentences or less. Most people nail the short and sweet part, but the relevant part... not so much. I can't tell you how many times I shake my head at my phone looking at social posts from local businesses. Staying relevant is easy if you just ask yourself: "Does this add value in some way to my users feed?" (Hint: just because you like it doesn't mean your customer will, remember them!)

You can also use hashtags to help draw attention to your post. In order to stay relevant you'll need to keep engaging with your social media community to recognize trends, or hire an agency like ours to do it for you! If you're looking for help with your social media marketing, we have experience helping businesses of all sizes grow their social media presence. We would love to talk with you about how we can help you achieve your business goals.

I want to thank everyone who read this blog and I hope that you found it informative and helpful. Thank you for your time and stay posted on our socials for our next blog!