Have you ever posted a piece of content to a platform and THEN realized you made an error or you could have done something differently? That is the worst, and believe me I have done my fair share of it as well. There are a lot of factors that go into creating content and tons of mistakes to make along the way. If you are in your content creation era, keep reading. We are diving into the 5 mistakes beginners make when first creating content! Hopefully by the end of this blog, you will feel more comfortable creating content. Or if you are just now starting out, hopefully you find some tips that can help you on your joruney! What is content creation and why in the world is it important to care about? Content creation is the process of a person, or brand producing media to share on the internet for a certain demographic. It's important to care about because the better your content is, the more people will want to engage with your account. If you are an influencer, or a brand you want to have good content creation to promote brand awareness which leads to better sales. At the end of the day, the content creation is for your brand to shine online. One mistake that people tend to experience is not having a clear goal on your social media channels, or even a clear goal on WHY you are creating content before starting. For example, you should be creating content for brand awareness driving sales, or building a good community. If you have no goal in mind, it is posting to post! Make sure you have intention behind the content you share to your profiles.
Sharing content with poor quality is another mistake that people encounter while creating content. Wipe that camera lens off, and make sure your battery is not on low power mode. That will help wonders! When people are sharing content with poor visuals, people are less likely to look and you don't want that! Make sure that you are focusing on filming with a steady hand and pay attention to aspect ratios for the desired platform you are filming for. As most brands, your brand guidelines are key and they are golden. When posting for a brand, make sure you are paying attention to brand colors, and font! A mistake people typically make is not creating content that is cohesive to the brand, making brand recognition harder and more disjointed. So, make sure you figure out those hex codes, and your perfect font.
Our fourth mistake that people tend to do when creating content is either posting TOO much or posting NOT enough! Find your perfect sweet spot! When you post too much, people care less because they become overwhelmed. If you are not posting enough, people tend to forget you exist. (annoying!) Posting 3-5 times a week is a good start.
So now that you're posting 3-5 times per week...how do you figure out if it is working? Is your brand growing from you creating content?? Check your insights! Insights are SO important when creating content. That is because you have the capabilities to figure out what your audience likes and doesn't like, and exactly how each piece of content is performing. If you consistently post the same kind of low engaging content, you will see less and less engagement over time. Focus on what your audience likes and run with it.
You might be thinking... now what!? My answer is get creating. There truly isn't anything more fun and rewarding than creating amazing content. Just remember, when you are first starting out there are so many mistakes to make. It's how you learn! With time you will be killing the content creation game and I am SO excited for you. Follow these tips to make first starting out a bit easier and you'll be golden.